
Guaranteeing flawless results with 100% human transcription services can be challenging, as transcription is a complex task that requires careful attention to detail.

In simple words, human transcription involves actual individuals listening to an audio file’s voice and dialogue and manually giving it a written form. Since human transcription uses cognitive power, the results are more accurate, up to 99%, when compared with AI transcription styles. Humans can provide a level of care when transcribing audio and video files that automation can’t.

There are several measures that can be taken to enhance the accuracy and quality of human transcription services. Here are some vital factors that contribute to achieving high accuracy levels:

Skilled transcriptionists:

100% human transcription services employ professional transcriptionists who are experienced and skilled in converting audio or video content into written form. These transcriptionists are typically trained to handle various accents, dialects, and specialized terminology.

Quality assurance processes:

Transcription companies often have robust quality assurance procedures in place. These can include multiple levels of review and proofreading to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the transcript. Peer review, editing, and stringent quality checks can help minimize errors.

Style guides and instructions:

Transcription companies may provide their transcriptionists with style guides or specific instructions to follow. These guides outline formatting preferences, punctuation rules, and other guidelines to ensure consistency across transcripts.

Subject matter expertise:

Transcriptionists with domain-specific knowledge can better understand complex terminology, jargon, or technical terms used in specific industries or fields. Having transcriptionists with expertise in relevant subject areas can enhance accuracy and comprehension.

Collaboration and communication:

Effective communication channels between clients and transcriptionists are essential. This enables clarifications on unclear audio segments, specialized terminology, or context-specific information, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Time allocation:

Transcriptionists require adequate time to transcribe audio accurately. Rushed assignments may compromise accuracy. Transcription companies that allocate sufficient time for each project can maintain a higher level of accuracy.

Continuous training and improvement:

Regular training programs and workshops can help transcriptionists stay updated on the latest transcription techniques, tools, and industry standards. Continuous learning opportunities ensure that the transcriptionists refine their skills and maintain a high level of accuracy.

Factors such as audio quality, background noise, multiple speakers talking simultaneously, and challenging accents can introduce inherent limitations. However, by employing highly skilled professionals and implementing rigorous quality control measures, human transcription services can strive to provide the most accurate and reliable transcripts possible.

Here are some of the top reasons to consider human transcription for any future projects.


Human transcriptionists can achieve higher accuracy levels compared to automated speech recognition (ASR) technology. They have the ability to understand and interpret nuances, accents, dialects, and context, which can result in more precise transcripts.

Language versatility:

Human transcriptionists can transcribe content in multiple languages, including regional variations and dialects. They can accurately capture the meaning and intent behind the spoken words, making it suitable for diverse audiences.

Complex content and subject matter expertise:

Projects involving technical or specialized content often require domain-specific knowledge. Human transcriptionists with expertise in specific fields can better understand complex terminology and accurately transcribe the content with a higher degree of comprehension.

Quality control and proofreading:

Human transcription services typically have quality assurance measures in place. Transcripts are thoroughly reviewed and proofread to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adherence to style guidelines. This helps maintain a high level of quality and reduce errors.

Confidentiality and security:

Human transcription services often prioritize data security and confidentiality. They implement measures to protect sensitive information and have policies in place to safeguard client data.

Customization and flexibility:

Human transcription services can be tailored to meet specific project requirements. They can accommodate formatting preferences, timestamps, speaker identification, and other customization needs, providing greater flexibility compared to automated solutions.

Verbatim or intelligent editing:

Human transcriptionists can transcribe content in verbatim format, including all utterances, filler words, and non-verbal cues. This is particularly useful for legal or qualitative research purposes. Alternatively, transcriptionists can also perform intelligent editing, removing unnecessary elements and improving readability based on client preferences.

Contextual understanding:

Human transcriptionists can comprehend the meaning behind spoken words by considering the context of the conversation. They can identify speaker intentions, emotions, and non-verbal cues, enhancing the overall accuracy and contextuality of the transcript.

Complex audio conditions:

Human transcriptionists are better equipped to handle challenging audio conditions such as background noise, overlapping voices, or poor audio quality. They can use their expertise to decipher and accurately transcribe such audio segments.

Client collaboration and feedback:

Human transcription services often allow for direct communication and collaboration with clients. This enables clarifications, adjustments, and feedback, ensuring that the final transcripts meet the client’s specific requirements and expectations.

Key Takeaways

These reasons highlight the unique advantages that human transcription services offer in terms of accuracy, comprehension, customization, and quality control. By leveraging the skills and expertise of human transcriptionists, you can obtain high-quality transcripts that cater to your project’s specific needs.

For human transcription services, you can rely on CaptioningHub, a transcription company with a team full of professional transcribers and also well know Human Transcription service in USA. The human transcribers at CaptioningHub proofread every transcript to help avoid errors and ensure accuracy. Our transcribers are committed to providing accurate results for every project and offer several different transcription formats to choose from.